Friday, April 13, 2012

2 more hours until my app. is due :( Haven't even started yet! Time to be focused and ignore all the little distractions around me.

Ending the night making a birthday card for a friend, filling in a few job applications, and finally selecting an outfit for tomorrow. Birthday party tomorrow and then, bowling! 

"The secret of getting ahead is getting started"

There is no agony like bearing an untold story inside of you. – Maya Angelou.

procrastinating on homework as usual. Here's a picture of my brother's wedding

"The daughters. The mothers. The sisters.
The fribblings – friends like siblings.
The wives. The girlfriends.
The aunts. The nieces.
The grand-somethings.
The young uns. The teens.
The women in your life.
Who love, lose, cry.
Laugh, heal, thrive.
Nurture. Create."

Every time I see him, I'm always trying to jump into his arms. It feels much safer there. We're far from the "most happiest couple." But, I have a lot of love for you and I think that's enough.