Friday, April 13, 2012

2 more hours until my app. is due :( Haven't even started yet! Time to be focused and ignore all the little distractions around me.

Ending the night making a birthday card for a friend, filling in a few job applications, and finally selecting an outfit for tomorrow. Birthday party tomorrow and then, bowling! 

"The secret of getting ahead is getting started"

There is no agony like bearing an untold story inside of you. – Maya Angelou.

procrastinating on homework as usual. Here's a picture of my brother's wedding

"The daughters. The mothers. The sisters.
The fribblings – friends like siblings.
The wives. The girlfriends.
The aunts. The nieces.
The grand-somethings.
The young uns. The teens.
The women in your life.
Who love, lose, cry.
Laugh, heal, thrive.
Nurture. Create."

Every time I see him, I'm always trying to jump into his arms. It feels much safer there. We're far from the "most happiest couple." But, I have a lot of love for you and I think that's enough.

This spring break, I've been searching for something. Anything that can make me feel alive.

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

"Care to know a secret? The single most important element that stops folks from reaching their full potiential, from achieving greatness, and that robs them of the happiness they desire is...unresolved issues."
"First kiss, first date, first base, prom date. Tingly sensations, sweat, and fear rolled into one. Theme parks, concerts, fast food, and so much movie butter popcorn you can feel it seep down from the bag and onto your pants, but you don't care. For your eyes are wide as silver dollars locked onto the screen. LIFE."

Piece of advice: Don't let life pass you by. Don't grow old too fast, and don't become consumed with situations that really don't amount to anything. It's not worth your energy and certainly not worth your time.

"Then when reality took hold, it came on so suddenly that you couldn't breathe. You burst into tears. You held anyone you could. You prayed, you cried, and you prayed some more. You may have felt an overwhelming dread as never before. Could it happen here? Could it happen to me? You called someone, then everyone. In the panic of chaos, nothing seems to matter but go home, stay home, and be with those you love."
"The same creator who names the stars knows the names of the seven souls we mourn today"
-President Bush

"The quiet that envelopes space makes the beauty even more powerful, and I only hope that the quiet can one day spread to my country"

"You never take no for an answer. You never quit. When push comes to shove, you blast through all obstacles."

"A moment so precious and yet so common that you hold it in your heart forever"

"Your life's outcome is solely up to you. If you can get out of bed in the morning, go to the bathroom, get dressed, and nuke something in the micro without any help, then you are capable of doing, achieving, and handling just about anything life can throw at you. You can do this. You can live up to your potential. And at your age, frankly speaking, I expect you to."

Saturday, March 10, 2012

                                                          I can't wait for the summer!